Do Something

September 22, 2019
We often interpret Paul’s call to leave behind worry through an attitude of gracious prayer as a call to individual prayer, and that through such prayer, the petitioner will receive…


September 8, 2019
Righteousness does not come from us, it comes from God.  God qualifies us.  I made reference to the story of the rich young ruler who goes away disheartened because he…

Shine Like Humble Stars

September 1, 2019
Download here: "Paul tells the church in Philippi that they should shine like stars in contrast to the dark and crooked world around them.  This call to be a…

Worthy of What?

August 25, 2019
Download link: "Rather I prefer commentator Gordon Zerbe’s paraphrase of Philippians 1:28 which reads, “For although your opponents see your loyalty to the gospel as worthy of and inevitably…
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