After Joseph is visited by the Lord’s messenger in a dream, he discovers that Mary is participating in God’s saving work and obeys the messengers commandment to take Mary as…
For Mary, to be noticed, is an indicator that she has been deceived. That many people have been deceived into thinking that God does not notice them. That the world…
“Repentance is not simply showing remorse, although remorse may be the first step in the journey toward repentance. Genuine repentance leads to a radical reorientation of life, acknowledging the temptation…
But when Zechariah enters the temple, he peels back that blue curtain symbolic of stability and he finds God. Sometimes we need to look deeply through or maybe around our traditions…
We gather here to worship, so that we are reminded of God’s presence here, in this place, but also everywhere, and in so doing, we reorder our lives. We bear…
The science of a pendulum is that when the pendulum swings too far from equilibrium the force of gravity will accelerate it back toward equilibrium but it often overshoots and…
The rule of three—a literary tool used so that we might understand how important this is—three times we hear this man’s testimony. And yet, the rule of three is not always…
It is no accident that this chapter on the diversity of gifts and abilities continues into the infamous love chapter often read at weddings. The love Paul references, while certainly…