On February 8, Long Green Valley Church hosted a full house of Brethren from the Baltimore area for a Music Festival, the tenth “annual” (after an almost 20-year hiatus). The rafters rang with our “joyful noise to the Lord,” through bell choirs, praise bands, choirs, a duet, and a piano solo. Special guest Nancy Sollenberger-Heishman, this year’s moderator of Annual Conference, played a few piano pieces while sharing thoughts and scripture.
Groups from Dundalk, Friendship, and Baltimore First Church participated and shared their gift of music—all different styles, and each beautiful in its own way. A combined praise band ended our worship with an invitation to all to come onto the stage.
The afternoon was filled with wonderful music, great fellowship with a time to renew past relationships, and an opportunity to meet new friends. No Brethren gathering would be complete without a buffet of goodies— thank you to all attending for a potluck snack. With such wonderful attendance and great variety of music, a collective agreement was made to gather together more often as a large group and offer praise. Baltimore First Church generously offered to host the next music festival, an event all are now anxiously awaiting.
“How good and pleasant it is when Brethren dwell together in peace.”
Pictured are (1) the Baltimore City Church Choir and (2) the music festival congregation listening to the Friendship Church Handbell Choir