The Transition Team has worked over the past several months to identify and call the members of the Pastoral Search Committee.  The Team then presented the committee names to the Board, who unanimously confirmed the group.  The next step in this process will be a meeting with the Search Committee and Gene Hagenberger, the Mid-Atlantic District Executive.  They will discuss the search process and he will help the committee identify their goals and responsibilities.

The Transition Team very intentionally worked to form a group that provided broad representation across our congregation in the areas of age, gender, family situation, and longevity with our church.  We are very pleased that every person we called responded affirmatively.  The members of the committee are as follows:

Jane Meadows
Danny Legge
Joel Comer
Leslie Connolly
Jan Fisher Bachman
Matt Landes
Peter Zience
Michael Biddle
Carolyn Strong

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