We were graced by a visit from LCM on Thursday June 12th. James Therrien is the LCM Director as well as the Pastor of the Tokahookaadi Church of the Brethren (in the Western Plains District of the Church of the Brethren). Pastor Therrien was accompanied by his wife Kim and two of their children, Travis and Sean. Each gave part of the evening presentation on recent accomplishments and ongoing ministries.
As I sat through the presentation, I was struck by the similarities in our congregational lives. Had I not known they drove from New Mexico, I might have thought they drove from Loudoun County. During Holy Week they held Love Feast with a time of meditation, foot washing, and concluding with a simple meal and prayer. They didn’t think many in the community would participate in the foot washing. To their surprise, every single person attending participated. They recently started a thrift store to serve the need of providing adequate clothing at a reasonable price. I could not help but think of our own involvement with the CHO Clothes Closet. And three of their youth are raising funds to attend National Youth Conference.
Lybrook is a mission to the Navajo people living in northern New Mexico. They strive to bring the love of Jesus to the Navajo people and the community around the mission, simply, peacefully, and together. With the community located forty miles from any major store and many without adequate transportation, LCM fills a number of community needs. Among these are education, transportation, and crisis / addiction counseling. The mission needs monetary contributions to pay monthly expenses, repair / replace their septic system, and to repair electrical issues.
Oakton Church of the Brethren supports Lybrook in our budget with an annual gift of $350. We also chose to support them as the mission project for Vacation Bible School in 2010. The children’s donations helped LCM rebuild the community water hydrant so that Navajo families get fresh, clean water whenever they need it. For those who feel called to provide additional support to LCM, simply write “Lybrook” in the memo line of your check and the church will send a consolidated check to LCM.
~Karl Wilkerson