5/4/14 God Ordained a Worm (Jonah 4; Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19)
Theme: Each of us has a calling from God
…. a calling to shelter others,
…. or to introduce change,
…or even to introduce things that may bother people
… but each is a call and all are of God… the key is to answer the God-call with the God-gift for the God-moment.
Mother’s Day
5/11/14 Youth Sunday
5/18/14 Being the Beloved (Luke 3:21-22; Matthew 12:9-18)
Theme: YOU and I are the beloved sons and daughters of God.
Lest we remain distracted by the claims of “we are what we do,” or “we are what we have” or “we are what other people say about us,” we need to return again and again to the Good News that you and I are the beloved sons and daughters of God.
5/25/14 Becoming the Beloved (Luke 24:13-35)
Theme: Recognizing how we can “realize” that we are beloved of God.
Bread: Jesus Took, Blessed, broke it, gave it.
These four words summarize Jesus’ life and these same words summarize our lives as the beloved. (We are taken (chosen), we are blessed, we are broken, we are given)
And when we live this way the world will recognize Jesus in us (it changes how others see us). And when we “realize” this about ourselves it changes how we see others.