-Once again this year, we have had Deacons who have left us, and we will truly miss the service of Bob and Carolyn Seidel who have retired, and Wayne and Carol Spangler who will be moving to Bridgewater. We again want to thank these people for their many years of service and significant contributions to the work of the Deacons.
-The deacons that are continuing are Angela Finet, Harry Biddle, Brian Bachman, Jan Fisher-Bachman, Kim Ferrari, Mary Ellen Judd, Jane Meadows, John Shafer, Gretchen Zience, Shirley Roth and Vern Wingert. I want to thank the current serving deacons for all that they do to make my job an easy one. There are plans to initiate a call for additional deacons, and we will see where that discernment process leads us.
-The current leadership is:
Mark Wilkerson, Chair
Angela Finet, Vice Chair
Harry Biddle, Board Representative
Shirley Roth, Secretary and Parish Nurse
-Aside from individual care giving needs, the deacons provided support for baptisms for Emma Bachmann, Leah Landes and Chandler Comer. 2 Bread and cup communion services were prepared and served in June and on Christmas Eve. Love feasts were held in March and October with the members of the Hispanic congregation joining us for the one in October.
The annual Christmas caroling for shut ins took place in December.
-An ongoing project has been undertaken by Vern Wingert to update the membership rolls to have them more accurately reflect the Church membership.
-Distributions have been made from the Good Shepherd fund, and it remains in good standing, and we encourage donations as people feel led.
-The Deacons look forward to leading and participating In the Vital Ministry Journey in 2014.
Mark Wilkerson