As many of you know, many dedicated folks have been working to rebuild Washington City COB’s soup kitchen, the Brethren Nutrition Program.  Soon, a full time Food Ministries Coordinator will be hired to start in July (an announcement about the new hire will be out soon).

At this time, the the Brethren Nutrition Program’s office is being revamped into a usable working space for the new Food Ministries Coordinator and the Brethren Volunteer Service worker.

As the update moves forward, there are several specific needs:

  • desktop PC or laptop
  • window air conditioner (room is roughly 22′ x 23′)
  • a desk
  • desk chair
  • small conference table
  • at least 4 padded chairs to use at the table
  • office supplies (legal size envelopes, copy paper, pens, stamps, tape, stapler, scissors, other desk accessories)

If there is anything on the list you can help with, please contact the Brethren Nutrition Program directly. Gently used items would be highly welcome and pickup can be arranged in the DC area.  If you have available items and they are somewhat beyond the DC area, please email and we can see if pickup could be possible.

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