ryan and bikeI will be participating in the Audi Best Buddies Challenge: Washington DC on October 18. This is my second year doing the challenge. The Best Buddies Challenge supports Best Buddies International (www.bestbuddies.org), a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The challenge offers the option of doing a 100, 62, or 20 mile bike ride, or a 5k run. I will be doing the 100 mile ride. Last year I rode 62 miles (the 100 mile was cancelled last year). I am raising money to meet my goal of $850.  You can donate online at my donation webpage, or you can mail a check (instructions are on the webpage).

Founded in 1989 by Anthony Kennedy Shriver, Best Buddies has grown from one original chapter to more than 1,500 middle school, high school, and college campuses across the country and internationally. Their programs engage participants in each of the 50 United States and on six continents, positively impacting 700,000 individuals each year.

This cause is near to my heart since my younger brother Todd has intellectual disabilities. Unfortunately he did not have the opportunity to participate in Best Buddies programs when he was in school.

~Ryan Richardson

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