Oakton to Embark on Vital Ministry Journey in 2014

Vital Ministry Journey logo (no text)

Plans are being made for a congregation-wide conversation centered on the Bible. Beginning in Lent 2014, Bible study sessions are being planned for small groups throughout the congregation. The groups of 3-4 people will each meet six times to pray together and study the biblical texts in: “Study, Sharing, and Prayer:  A Bible Study for Congregations on a Vital Ministry Journey.”

Open to members and non-members alike, these gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to share and care for one another while we consider our calling together. The church board and deacons will help guide the process as we learn how God’s vital presence is stirring us toward vital ministries in our church and community.

Please join us in these brief, informal, gatherings as we discern and participate in the mission of the church within the mission of God. Look for a sign-up sheet in January and more information to follow.

-Pastor Chris

Join Us in January for these Themes!

1/5 Sermon: Reflected Glory (Isaiah 60:1-6; Matthew 2:1-12) Epiphany
Theme: We “shine,” as followers of Jesus, in reflected light: Our goal is to help people see Him by reflecting (however imperfectly) the glory of his life and love.

1/12 “Unless a seed…” (Jn 12:20-30; 1 Cor. 2:1-12) Baby Dedication Sunday
Theme: Let’s get real: The church of old is gone. But the church of the future is just getting started.

1/19 “Foolishness and Power” (1 Cor. 1:4-18; Psalm 40:1-11) Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Theme: Divisions in Christianity are signs of failure rather than success when they rest their “faith” in something other than the cross of Christ.

1/26 “Leaving Church” (Mat. 4:12-23)
Theme: The call is to follow the Jesus-path in the Jesus-way toward the Jesus-Kingdom—the disciples had to leave something behind in order to follow their King to the new Kingdom.

Shepherd’s Spring Schedule Sneak Preview

Schedule Sneak Preview

Summer Camp 2014 at Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministries Center

Younger Campers

Big & Small Camp:  K-2 w/adult 18+
Overnight camp for our youngest campers and their adult.   June 29-30

Grand Camp:  Ages 6-10 w/grandparent
Enjoy a two night stay in the Lodge with your grandparent creating new camping traditions and experiencing old ones.
July 27-29 & July 30- Aug 1

Mini Camp:  Grades 2-3
Gain self-reliance while spending time away from home with your new cabin mates. Explore honey making and learn how to care for our critters.          June 18-20

Junior Camp:  Grades 3-5
Discover God’s beautiful creation through multiple activities. Learn how owls live during a night hike.    June 22-27

How Does Your Garden Grow:  Grades 4-6
Get some dirt under your fingernails planting and harvesting in the garden.      July 13-18

Junior Wild:  Grades 5-6
Practice survival skills to get in touch with both God and your “wild” side.     July 13-18

Around the World With Jesus:  Grades 5-6
Explore the Heifer Global Village and get a sense of how other children from around the world live, play, and eat.                  July 27- Aug 1


Jr High & Youth Campers

Middler Camp: Grades 6-8
Swimming, caving, crafts, campfires, and
nature exploration are a few ways you will experience fun, faith, and friends.  July 6-11

Down on the Farm:  Grades 6-8
An up-close and personal experience in farming and caring for animals.   July 20-25

Outdoor Adventure:  Grades 7-11
Love the outdoors? Come sharpen your outdoor skills. Experience God’s creation in adventures in hiking and biking.        Aug 10-15

Youth Camp:  Grades 9-12
Exciting program energizes and challenges you to build upon God’s word and use it in your daily life. Try your hand at activities from biking to basket weaving. Aug 3-8

All Ages

Family Camp:  Any Age!
A relaxing time away from the busyness of everyday life. Camp out, stay in a cabin, or sleep in the lodge. Enjoy pool time, campfire, and a time to worship.                Aug 15-16

Celebrate Summer Festival:       
Join us for another glorious end to the summer camp season. FREE admission to a good time with food, fun, and friends of ALL AGES.        August 16


• Save $50! Early Registration Discount 
• Earn $100! Bring a New Friend 
• $20 Sibling Scholarship
• $50 Work Camp Scholarship
• National Youth Conference Discount


Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry Center

16869 Taylor’s Landing Road

Sharpsburg, MD 21782

(301) 223-8193


Shepherd’s Spring is located on more than 200 wooded acres. Cabins, swimming pool, and access to the Potomac River and the Camp; Towpath provide settings for worship and exploring God’s marvelous creation. Contact the camp or Jerry Anne Kines, our camp ambassador for more information.

Camp Picture


Recipe of the Month – Spiced Apple Cider

This is a fall campfire favorite of our Sunday school class. You can use apple juice instead of apple cider if you’d like. If you don’t have cheesecloth, you can strain through a coffee filter.

Serves 8

8 cups apple cider
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
6-inch cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon whole cloves
1 teaspoon shredded orange peel
8 thin orange wedges (optional)
Whole cloves (optional)

*In a large saucepan, combine the cider and brown sugar.

*For the spice bag, place the cinnamon stick, allspice, cloves, and orange peel in the center of a double-thick, 6-inch square of cheesecloth (can substitute coffee filters for the cheesecloth). Tie closed with clean kitchen string. (Using a tea ball and floating the cinnamon stick works well, too). Add the bag to the saucepan with cider.

*Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered for 10 minutes.

*Meanwhile, if desired, stud orange wedges with cloves.

*Discard spice bag or remove tea ball and cinnamon stick. Serve cider in mugs. Garnish with oranges wedges, if using.

~Jenni Godfrey
Goshen, Indiana

December Volunteer List

Duty 12/8/2013 12/15/2013 12/22/2013 12/29/2013
Preacher: Chris Bowman Chris Bowman Chris Bowman Chris Bowman
Worship   Leader: Shirley Roth Gretchen Zience Greg Kosak Bob Seidel
Reader: Angela Finet Jeff Strong Ella Schultz N/A
Children’s   Story: Jan Burket Jan Burket Jan Burket Jan Burket
Acolyte: Eric Finet Seth Strong Bobby Schultz TBD
Greeters: Fisher   Bachman
Seidels Spanglers Meadows
Organist/Pianist/Hymnleader Organ:   Cathy Carson
Piano: John Shafer
Hymn Leader: TBD
Organ:   John Shafer
Hymn Leader: Christine Wuhrman
Organ:John   Shafer
Piano: Cathy Carson
Hymn Leader: Carol Spangler
Organ:   John Shafer
Hymn Leader: Carol Spangler
Counters: Levesques Bowman/Ferrari Wilkerson/Beach Biddle/Connolly
Nursery: Sherry   Bowman Landon   Kines Robyn   Legge June   Gonzalez
Nursery   Assistant: Hannah   Seidel Michael   Biddle Casey   Comer Sarah   Beth Seidel
Sunday School Nursery: Kim Ferrari Kim Ferrari Jan Burket Kim Ferarri
Children’s Church Leader: Michelle   Gill Karen   Richardson Debbie   Sidel Michelle   Gill
Children’s Church Assistant: Luke   Finet Miller   Kines Hannah   Siedel Cyrus   Kinersi
Nursery Toy   Cleaners: Karen Richardson Karen Richardson Karen Richardson Karen Richardson
Coffee Time   Preparer(s): Robyn Legge TBD TBD Pam   Schultz
Jerry Anne Kines

Advent Devotional

“But the angel said to [the shepherds], ‘Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.’” —Luke 2:10

Hear the story once more. Peel back the layers of familiarity and the years of tradition. Rise above the busyness of this season to be amazed once again at what Jesus’ coming means.

This collection of 39 meditations will take readers from Advent through Epiphany.

The Brethren Press devotional series is published twice a year in anticipation of the Advent and Lenten seasons.  Becoming a seasonal subscriber is easy and costs only $4 a year for both booklets.  This represents a 20% savings off the retail price.  Subscriptions are renewed automatically each year at the discounted rate and bulk quantities can be adjusted with a simple call.  Subscribers can cancel their enrollment in the program at any time.  To sign up call 1-800-441-3712 and ask about the seasonal devotional standing order program.

Copies of this devotional have been ordered by Worship Committee, and will be available in the Narthex once they arrive. Please feel free to take a copy or two for your family and join us as we travel together through this holy season.

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