by Office Manager | Feb 4, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
The Property Committee is responsible for stewardship of the church building, parsonage, and the surrounding grounds. Our 2013 primary responsibilities within the committee are assigned as follows:
- Kitchen & Fellowship Hall – Mary Ellen Judd
- Grounds and Landscaping – Al Zebrowski
- Major Systems – John Eddy
- Church Maintenance – Lou Levesque
- Parsonage Maintenance – Orville Knicely
- Office Supplies – Chris Bowman
- Budget and Contracts – Scott Seidel
- Board Representative – Scott Seidel
- Major Projects – rotating
Noteworthy accomplishments for 2013 include the following:
- Obtained Occupancy Load Permit and additional paperwork required for compliance with Fairfax County
- Improved North wall brick that is prone to leaking during heavy rain
- Contracted to have the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and Sunday School wings painted
- Purchased a new washer and dryer for the parsonage
- Obtained a new subcontractor for our building cleaning services
- Hosted a spring cleaning day
- Agreed to let the Inova Health Fair bus provide services from our parking lot
- Provided general maintenance services to the church and parsonage
- Maintained landscaping and grass – special thanks to Al Zebrowski and Shanna Spangler
- Managed building rentals
- Entered into a new rental agreement with Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Monte Oreb (PENTE)
- Managed 2013 Budget and established 2014 Budget
- We continue to realize savings on heating costs resulting from boiler replacement and conversion from heating oil to natural gas in 2010. Our combined energy costs for gas and electric are lower than before completing the project, even considering the additional usage for air conditioning.
In 2014 we have the following major goals:
- Contract for repair and painting of the remaining areas not covered under the previous contract
- Install permanent fixtures for hanging items on walls to support VBS and other special events throughout the building
The Property Committee expresses its deep appreciation to Wayne Spangler for his many years of service to the committee. Please join me in thanking our Property Committee members for their past and continuing service.
In Christ,
Scott Seidel, Chair
by Office Manager | Feb 4, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
-Once again this year, we have had Deacons who have left us, and we will truly miss the service of Bob and Carolyn Seidel who have retired, and Wayne and Carol Spangler who will be moving to Bridgewater. We again want to thank these people for their many years of service and significant contributions to the work of the Deacons.
-The deacons that are continuing are Angela Finet, Harry Biddle, Brian Bachman, Jan Fisher-Bachman, Kim Ferrari, Mary Ellen Judd, Jane Meadows, John Shafer, Gretchen Zience, Shirley Roth and Vern Wingert. I want to thank the current serving deacons for all that they do to make my job an easy one. There are plans to initiate a call for additional deacons, and we will see where that discernment process leads us.
-The current leadership is:
Mark Wilkerson, Chair
Angela Finet, Vice Chair
Harry Biddle, Board Representative
Shirley Roth, Secretary and Parish Nurse
-Aside from individual care giving needs, the deacons provided support for baptisms for Emma Bachmann, Leah Landes and Chandler Comer. 2 Bread and cup communion services were prepared and served in June and on Christmas Eve. Love feasts were held in March and October with the members of the Hispanic congregation joining us for the one in October.
The annual Christmas caroling for shut ins took place in December.
-An ongoing project has been undertaken by Vern Wingert to update the membership rolls to have them more accurately reflect the Church membership.
-Distributions have been made from the Good Shepherd fund, and it remains in good standing, and we encourage donations as people feel led.
-The Deacons look forward to leading and participating In the Vital Ministry Journey in 2014.
Mark Wilkerson
by Office Manager | Feb 4, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
Young adult stewards will serve at the WCC Central Committee meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, from June 26-July 10. “I encourage Brethren young adults to apply to be a steward at the WCC,” said Becky Ullom Naugle, director of the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Ministry. “This program offers exposure to ecumenism on international scale and allows for intercultural understanding and relationship building. The World Council of Churches and the stewards program is a visible affirmation that in Christ there are many gifts, but one Spirit.” Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 30. Before the meeting begins, stewards will follow an on-site ecumenical learning program, exposing them to the key issues of the worldwide ecumenical movement. During the meeting, stewards will assist in the areas of worship, floor management, documentation, communications, and other administrative and support tasks. Following the meeting, stewards will design ecumenical projects that they will implement in their churches and communities on their return home. Completed application forms are due to the WCC youth program no later than Feb. 21. More information and the downloadable application form are at .
by Office Manager | Jan 31, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
Over the next month Oakton Church of the Brethren will be hearing more about our upcoming Vital Ministry Journey (VMJ). What is it? How does it happen? Who can participate?
VMJ is process for engaging the church in a renewal of our calling. It helps us recognize God’s invitation and renew our participation in what God is doing through us and with us in the Body of Christ. We do this in small-groups meeting together in six simple sessions, to share in conversation and Bible-study. It begins in March and is open to everyone.
Why are we doing VMJ? Because we believe that these two resources (the Bible and our faith family) are used by the Holy Spirit in each generation to interpret, integrate, and apply the Good News of God’s Kingdom in each time and every place. And we want to be understand, take-to-heart, and live-out God’s Kingdom as followers of Jesus and as the Body of Christ.
Vital Ministry Journey (VMJ) is a process that empowers Church of the Brethren congregations who want to recapture and revitalize a dynamic vision and mission so as to live abundantly and be God’s blessing to its community. Beginning in March, the Oakton Church family of faith will begin this journey of renewal through Bible and conversation. Please plan to participate. Your voice is vital to our community’s vitality. (Adopted from the VMJ page at
“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. . .
By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God. . .”
—Mt. 5.14-16 (The Message)
by Pastor Chris Bowman
by Office Manager | Jan 30, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
2/2/14: A new “blessed” (Matthew 5:1-12)
Theme: Where the church has required people to adopt a creed of belief in order to get in, Jesus is calling us to adopt a new kind of life in order to be real.
2/9/14: A New Perfection (Matthew 5:13-20)
Theme: In the decline of Christendom there is being found a renewal of conversation about what matters. This “emerging Christianity” calls people to a “another way of living” in which turning one’s heart entirely toward God exceeds even the most impressive of religious rituals and disciplines.
2/16/14: A Relational Faith (Matthew 5:21-37)
Theme: How we treat people matters more than what we say we believe.
2/23/14: A Self-giving Love (Matthew 5:38-48)
Theme: Just as God loved us with self-giving love, we should love others the same way.
by Office Manager | Jan 30, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
Duty |
2/2/2014 |
2/9/2014 |
2/16/2014 |
2/23/2014 |
Preacher: |
Chris Bowman |
Chris Bowman |
Chris Bowman |
Chris Bowman |
Worship Leader: |
Angela Finet |
Colleen Eddy |
Mark Phillips |
Brian Bachman |
Children’s Story |
Debbie Seidel |
Jan Burket |
Cathy Carson |
Mark Wilkerson |
Acolyte: |
Luke Finet |
Katelyn Judd |
Joey Gonzalez |
Jack MacKinnon |
Greeters: |
Meadows/Wilkerson |
Ferrari/Judd |
Zience/Roth |
Fisher Bachman/Wingert |
Organists/Hymn Leader: |
Counters: |
Biddle/Connolly |
Levesques |
Bowman/Ferrari |
Wilkerson/Beach |
Nursery: |
Scott Seidel |
Kimberly Judd |
Jerry Anne Kines |
Robyn Legge |
Nursery: |
Michael Biddle |
Sarah Beth Seidel |
Kennley Judd |
Grace Bachman |
Children’s Church Leader: |
Debbie Seidel |
Michelle Gill |
Debbie Seidel |
Michelle Gill |
Children’s Church Helper: |
Luke Finet |
Bobby Schultz |
Cortland Comer |
Eric Finet |
Sunday School Nursery: |
Kim Ferrari |
Jan Burket |
Kim Ferrari |
Jake Burket |
Nursery Toy Cleaners: |
Seidel Family |
Seidel Family |
Seidel Family |
Seidel Family |
Coffee Time Preparer(s): |
Kim Ferrari |
Robyn Legge |
Sanctuary Partners – Vern Wingert & Shirley Roth |