March Volunteer List

March 2014 Volunteers
Duty 3/9/2014 3/16/2014 3/23/2014 3/30/2014
Preacher: Chris Bowman Chris Bowman Chris Bowman Chris Bowman
Worship Leader: Missy Burket Shirley Roth Harry Biddle Greg Kosak
Children’s Story Chris Bowman Jan Burket Rob Powell John Eddy
Acolyte: Carter MacKinnon Seth Strong Ellie Kosek Peggy O’Neil
Greeters: Wilkerson/Judd Zience/Roth Fisher Bachman/Wingert Meadows/Ferrari
Hymn Leader:
Counters: Levesques Bowman/Ferrari Wilkerson/Beach Biddle/Connolly
Nursery: Sherry Bowman Robyn Legge Jan Burket June Gonzalez
Nursery: Hannah Seidel Michael Biddle Grace Bachman Sarah Beth Seidel
Children’s Church
Michelle Gill Debbie Seidel Karen Richardson Michelle Gill
Children’s Church
Bobby Schultz Miller Kines Hannah Siedel Cyrus Kianersi
Sunday School Nursery: Jan Burket Kim Ferrari Kim Ferrari Jake Burket
Nursery Toy Cleaners: Karen Richardson Karen Richardson Karen Richardson Karen Richardson
Coffee Time Preparer(s): Pat Reed Gretchen Zience Kim Ferrari Debbie Seidel/Kim Ferrari

A Fond Farewell…

Wayne and Carol Spangler, longtime members and leaders in the Oakton Church of the Brethren were honored with a farewell reception on Sunday, January 19, 2014. The Oakton Bell Choir hosted a homecoming meal at the church the previous evening inviting everyone who ever played bells under Carols direction. The Spanglers who joined the Oakton Church of the Brethren in 1956 moved to the Bridgewater retirement community in January and will be greatly missed by the congregation here.

Among those who returned to celebrate and remember our time together were Bill and Mary Ludwick who moved to Bridgewater last year and have also been greatly missed here at the church. Many joyful memories were shared as we bid our brothers and sisters farewell.

These are important times in the life of the church. It is a time to look forward and look back with thanksgiving to God.



Vital Ministry Journey: Countdown to Kickoff


VMJ Countdown to Kickoff
Oakton Church of the Brethren

Is there a purpose to our lives beyond “eat drink and be merry?” We go about our lives, daily chores— work and play, relationships and solitude, living and dying —sometimes without thinking about any deeper purpose. Yet as people who follow the Jesus-way in our relationship with God we have been invited to step into a new reality with a life-giving new purpose.

This is true as individuals and as a community of faith. Is there any “why” to the “what” of church? Is our life together, as a fellowship of followers, purposeful? How do we ourselves being used by God for the work of God’s mission in the world?

Here at Oakton Church of the Brethren we are embarking on a journey of repurposing of our lives together. Everyone who calls this fellowship of faith their own (member and nonmember alike)  is invited to join in small group Bible-study and, over the next 75 days to share together, share about purpose and calling as they share and study six Bible passages together. Sign up today by emailing , or respond to your personalized invitation from your deacon, or sign the VMJ sheet in the entry area at church.

The VMJ Journey asks for a minimum of time and yet holds great promise for individuals and for the church family. Small groups will meet only six times over 75 days in un-assigned locations according to your own unique schedules. Yet through these simple meetings, God’s Spirit can renew the church toward it purpose and rekindle the fire within individual lives of faith. Please join for VMJ and attend the March 16 kick-off meal after worship to celebrate our Vital Ministry Journey together.

Worship and Music Committee Report – January 2014 CBM

Worship and Music Committee supports the Pastor in providing meaningful worship experiences for our congregation. As Chair, I would like to thank the other members– Cathy Carson, Lincoln Cory, and Mark Wilkerson—for their time and many contributions, as well as Pastor Chris for his leadership and direction. Director of Music, John Shafer, not only gives of his time and talents, but also mentors others in the expression of their talents.

We started the year with a “No Announcement” time, and moved into Lent with the Ash Wednesday theme of “Paying Attention to God in a Frantic World.” A highlight of fall was a series of sermons by Chris about rooms in the house. Themes for Advent were provided by the colorful bulletins, and were reflected in the worship table colors.

As always, we are so grateful to those who serve as Worship Leaders, Children’s Storytellers, Acolytes, Sanctuary Partners, musicians, guest speakers, and others who share their love of Christ through our work together. We would like to be more intentional about supporting our volunteers.

I look forward to working with the committee in 2014.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Burket


Pastor’s Report – January 2014 CBM

Youth Program

The Junior and Senior High Youth groups have grown. These seasons in church youth groups can yield wonderful opportunities for the congregation and the youth in our work together. With the upcoming quadrennial National Youth Conference for senior highs and several baptismal inquiries from junior highs we want to encourage our new teachers (the Eddys and Bachmans), advisors, and Christian Education Committee in their work in this area.


Non-Traditional Love Feast

The deacons offered the Love Feast ordinance in a new way this past spring. Communion was offered as part of morning worship, the meal followed immediately after the morning worship, and feet washing took place at the end of the meal. This change in format, along with brief reflections on the Love Feast shared prior to worship on three preceding Sundays, resulted in a much higher attendance and a good number of new participants and observers.



The new website is up and running thanks to the A/R Committee. Our office staff will serve as our Web Administrator and conversation continues as to how best to use the site while tending to privacy concerns.


Plan of Organization (PO)

Changes in the PO are coming to this CBM including: allowing alternate forms of notification; extending tenure for treasurer and financial secretary to four terms; unexpired terms not counting against tenure; and final CBM approval of deacons called through the alternate plan. Corrections to the “committee” will be offered in 2014-2015.


Digital Newsletter Began

Most feedback about the newsletter change has been positive. Still, improvements are coming in the use of pictures. A total of 20 copies are being mailed to recipients who have requested them. Hardcopies are also available each month in the narthex.


2013 Stats



  2013 IN (B, L, R)

+3, +1, +2(A)*

  2013 OUT (D, L)

-4, -1

Associate Members*


* Associate members are not counted in the total membership number for denominational reports.

Average Attendance


Messenger Subscriptions


Resident Households


Membership Changes:

Baptisms: Emma Bachman, Chandler Comer, Leah Landes

Letter of Transfer In: Matthew Landes

Reaffirmation of Faith: Jeff and Carolyn Strong (Evan and Seth)

Letter of Transfer Out: Jeff Davidson

Deaths: Dick Sours, Reta Kuper, Ella Mae Gregory, Ruth Rodier


Also Of Note

We continue to host the Inova Health Fair bus on a monthly basis;

Vern Wingert is working on the church membership review for the deacons. The last review was in 1999;

I attended profession growth experiences: Society of Biblical Literature in Baltimore and Festival of Homiletics in Nashville;

Babies born to us this year were Benjamin Landes (born 7/5/13 to Leah and Matt); Liam Hume (born 7/7/13 to Michelle and Don); Molly Chou Weins (born 6/1/13 to Annie and Peter, dedicated (8/5/13);

I provided funeral services for Ruth Rodier (7/20), Breedens (8/3), Joe DeLeon (8/10), Ella May Gregory (8/29);

Several small-group book studies and two Brethren Beliefs classes were held in 2013;

Chandler Comer and Leah Landes were baptized Easter Morning while Emma Bachman was baptized in November 17;

We dedicated baby Jane Campbell Eddy 2/24/13 with assistance from John’s father, an ordained minister from New York.

Angela Finet continued discernment regarding next steps in ministry training through 2013. She and another individual in the church considering ministry, met with me on several occasions. Claire Waggener is in her final year at the Seminary.

Oakton Church hosted “Deep Leadership” district seminar with Stan Dueck (3/2/13).

After months of hard work we secured both an Occupancy Certificate and a Maximum Occupancy Load posting from the county.

I will be speaking at the 2014 Bethany Seminary Commencement ceremonies May 9-10.

CBM Pastor’s Report Page 2: Looking Forward

While none of us know what the future holds, here are some of the things we might look forward to at Oakton Church of the Brethren in 2014


Vital Ministry Journey (VMJ)

The board voted to enter the Vital Ministries Journey. Along with the deacon body they will provide leadership for this small-group lectio divina styled Bible study scheduled between Ash Wednesday and Pentecost 2014. The study calls for a six session Bible study in small-group gatherings (3-4 people each) to help build relationships and identify directions for our program and ministry. We plan to use feedback from these groups to sponsor our board/deacon retreat in mid-2014. Along these lines the year begins with a two-month sermon series recognizing and reflecting on the loss of “the way church used to be” and the exciting possibilities of the new Christianity now emerging.


Conversations About What We Do

…and why we do it

Using Committee descriptions in the Plan of Organization we might spend time this coming year connecting what we do to why we do it. How do we connect lawn-care with Jesus-following? How do we recognize Vacation Bible School as Jesus-following? How does worship sponsor and support Jesus-following? How we talk about what we do helps us and others understand why we really do it and what we really want to be as the Body of Christ.

Over the years our practices have replaced our purposes. So as we reexamine the committee descriptions and tasks, as we listen to the VMJ responses and hopes for the future, we will also have opportunity to more clearly connect our practices with our purposes — our functions with our faith.


Encourage People to Take the Plunge

Through personal conversations, Bible and book studies, Brethren Beliefs classes, and invitations during worship we will find ways to encourage people to step into the waters of baptism, renew their affirmation of faith, or connect their faith with a new way of living in the ministry of their particular calling.

And beyond the invitation to “join the church” we want our invitation to be for all of us to “join the work of Jesus.” How might that become evident in each life here? What unique and creative ministries might we give birth? How can we facilitate and encourage this priesthood of all believers to blossom in new ways?


Small Group Ministries

I plan to continue offering small group opportunities in 2014. Some topics already being considered include a study of homiletics and preaching with Tom Long’s book; a study on Kushner’s “When Bad things Happen to Good People;” and sharing around N. T. Wrights “Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense.” Even more exciting would be for a variety of member-driven small-groups to pop up over the year to meet a wide range of needs.


The Joy of our Faith

While we have experienced some significant losses over the past several years, we have also experienced some wonderful gains. New members and friends have been joyfully received. Youth and adults have been baptized and have shared their vows of faith — publically reminding us all of our callings. Through good times and bad we have seen the joy of our faith shine through. These changes of loss and gain will reshape the congregation. I pray that as we perceive and participate in the new thing that God is doing we will be renewed and rekindled, together.


Pastor Chris

Action / Reflection Committee Report – January 2014 CBM

Committee Overview:  The Action/Reflection committee seeks to engage the congregation in conversations and reflections that promote spiritual growth and help make connections between faith and life.  Some specific areas of focus include peace witness, hospitality, evangelism, and service (both within and beyond the congregation).

2013 Membership:  Karl Wilkerson (co-chair), Bridgette Beach (co-chair), Steve Schultz, John Shafer, Missy Burket, Joe Lykins, Cathy Carson, and Kay Lee.

Invitation to Additional Members:  The committee welcomes all those with a passion for outreach.  If you feel called to serve, talk with any of the committee members about how we can work together.

Highlights in 2013:

  • Collaboration with the Fellowship Committee to provide Fair Trade coffee during coffee time.
  • Monetary donations from the congregation supported our response to Typhoon Haiyan and the Brethren Nutrition Program.  We worked together with the BNP to get a new freezer, a new refrigerator, and remove old broken equipment.  Additionally, a work day helped to brighten the atmosphere there.
  • Collaborated with the Christian Education Committee to support youth work camp attendance.
  • Worked with the board and website developer Janet Wayland to revamp our website and address privacy.  Efforts are ongoing to address congregational concerns with privacy.
  • Began sending cards to folks we were thinking about at the beginning of Action Reflection Committee meetings.
  • Cathy Carson continued her ministry knitting blankets for different groups in need.  So far, 115 blankets, 50 scarves, and 195 pairs of shoes have been provided along with “One Minute Bibles”.
  • Missy Burket continued her ministry with the CHO by adopting two families for “Christmas”.  Although we might refer to the families as “Christmas families”, we actually continue support at different times throughout the year.
  • Worked with the Spanglers to host members of the Nigerian Church of the Brethren during their visit.
  • Worked with the Community Coalition for Haiti to support an orphanage in Jacmel, Haiti with 21 sheet sets for their beds.
  • John Shafer’s ministry to support outreach activities through the Concert Series continued with beautiful music that reached out to our community.
  • Provided five additional hearing assistance devices for church guests through the Michael Knicely Memorial Funds.
  • Along with the Board, we helped the Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren fund their roof replacement.
  • We continued working with the board and Property Committee to make the church more welcoming to visitors through improved signage.  The addition of five more interior signs (total of nine interior signs now) helps to direct those unfamiliar with the church layout.  An additional exterior sign overlay was also purchased for alternate summer worship hours.
  • Continued providing copies of “The Message” version of the bible in the Narthex for anyone to take.
  • Continued support of CHO (Clothes, Food, and Furniture Programs; Adopt-A-Family; and Christmas Shop).  Bible 101 recently participated in delivering and sorting food and clothing donations at CHO.  John Eddy and Ryan Richardson have participated in the furniture program (also known as the Brethren Exercise Program).  The Spanglers will be hosting additional exercise sessions at their home prior to their departure for Bridgewater.
  • Collaboration with Christian Education Committee to support On Earth Peace as the beneficiary of the Children’s Offering until VBS 2014.

Karl Wilkerson and Bridgette Beach

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