You can serve this dish right from the baking dish. It goes well with baked red potatoes and thin cucumber slices as side dishes.
Serves 6
2 (16-ounce) packages frozen cod fillets, partially thawed
¼ cup (½ stick) butter
1 large green bell pepper, diced
1 medium onion, chopped
½ cup thinly sliced celery
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
*Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
*Lightly grease a 13 x 9-inch baking dish. Place the cod fillers in a single layer in the baking dish.
*Heat the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Saute the bell pepper, onion and celery in the butter until tender, about 7 minutes. Stir in the tomato sauce, thyme, salt, and black pepper and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Spoon the mixture over the fish. Cover and bake for 45 minuts or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.
The Church of the Brethren awards a limited number of scholarships each year to individuals enrolled in a nursing program. Candidates for the scholarships must be enrolled in an LPN, RN, or nursing graduate program and must be members of the Church of the Brethren.
The scholarships are awarded from the Health Education and Research Endowment, which was established in 1958 to receive gifts raised through a fund drive authorized by the 1949 Annual Conference to reopen the Bethany Hospital School of Nursing. In 1959, Annual Conference authorized that the resources be placed in an endowment fund with the interest to be used primarily to grant loans and scholarships for nursing students in the school of their choice.
Scholarships of up to $2,000 for RN and graduate nurse candidates and up to $1,000 for LPN candidates will be awarded to a limited number of applicants. Preference is given to new applications, and to individuals who are in their second year of an associate’s degree or third year of a baccalaureate program. Scholarship recipients are eligible for only one scholarship per degree.
Nominees must be members of the Church of the Brethren. Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by April 1. Candidates awarded scholarships will be notified in July and funds will be sent directly to the appropriate school for the fall term.
3/2/14 A New Mission (Matthew 17:1-9)
Theme: The transfiguration of Jesus encourages us: “Get up; do not be afraid.”
3/5/14 Ash Wednesday
Theme: Setting our face toward Jerusalem: A service of prayer and meditation for Ash Wednesday
“For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.”
LENT 3/9/14 Grace in Reconciling (2 Corinthians 5:14-19*, Romans 5:12-19)
Theme: Transformation of creation is the result of divine reconciliation … the old is not destroyed but redeemed; your life is not destroyed but redeemed; the church is not destroyed but redeemed by the Grace of God’s reconciling work.
3/16/14 Remembering on Purpose (Isaiah 43:14-21,Isaiah 46:8-11)
Theme: Remember not the former things because God is doing something new.
3/23/14 Repurposing Blessing (Genesis 12:1-4a)
Theme: We are called to be a blessing to others wherever God sends us without knowing for certain where God will send us.
3/30/14 Claimed and Called (John 15:12-17)
Theme: Befriended (claimed) by Christ his disciples are called to bear fruit of faith and continue his work. (Peacefully, Simply, Together.)
On February 8, Long Green Valley Church hosted a full house of Brethren from the Baltimore area for a Music Festival, the tenth “annual” (after an almost 20-year hiatus). The rafters rang with our “joyful noise to the Lord,” through bell choirs, praise bands, choirs, a duet, and a piano solo. Special guest Nancy Sollenberger-Heishman, this year’s moderator of Annual Conference, played a few piano pieces while sharing thoughts and scripture.
Groups from Dundalk, Friendship, and Baltimore First Church participated and shared their gift of music—all different styles, and each beautiful in its own way. A combined praise band ended our worship with an invitation to all to come onto the stage.
The afternoon was filled with wonderful music, great fellowship with a time to renew past relationships, and an opportunity to meet new friends. No Brethren gathering would be complete without a buffet of goodies— thank you to all attending for a potluck snack. With such wonderful attendance and great variety of music, a collective agreement was made to gather together more often as a large group and offer praise. Baltimore First Church generously offered to host the next music festival, an event all are now anxiously awaiting.
“How good and pleasant it is when Brethren dwell together in peace.”
Pictured are (1) the Baltimore City Church Choir and (2) the music festival congregation listening to the Friendship Church Handbell Choir
Recently, 20 associates were honored for service excellence and for years worked during the annual Employee Recognition Dinner for Fahrney-Keedy Home & Village, Boonsboro.
Associates nominated their co-workers for the service excellence awards, which went to six individuals. Those honored for service excellence were Lisa Younker, LPN, Raykia Harvey-Thorne and Tamara Bowie, GNAs in nursing; Amanda Myers and Katie Lee in assisted living; and Debbie Slifer in accounting.
Length-of-service awards were given to associates having worked for multiples of five years. At five years were Janet Cole, RN, assisted living; Evan Bowers, LPN and Kathy Kennedy, nursing; Ginny Lapole and Nancy Hoch, environmental services; and Tina Morgan, human resources. (Ms. Kennedy and Ms. Hoch both were inadvertently omitted from last year’s service-award presentations.)
At 10 years: Pam Burger and Carla Spataro, LPN, nursing; and Kelly Keyfauver, RN, Director of Nursing. At 15 years: Debbie Martz, environmental services, and Mary Moore, nursing. At 20 years, Kathy Cosens, CMA, nursing. At 25 years, Martha Wolfe, human resources. At 40 years, Ginger Lowery, environmental services.
Mid-Atlantic District Church of the Brethren
PO Box 480; New Windsor, Maryland 21776
Gene Hagenberger
Cathy Baker
Administrative Assistant
Our District Executive Minister writes…
Friends, this month I’m asking you to sow seeds of prayer. Please pray for the congregations and search committees that are in a pastoral search process. Those congregations are Bush Creek, Dranesville, First Church Baltimore, Frederick (Youth and Young Adult Pastor), Hagerstown, Manassas, Monocacy, Nokesville, and Thurmont. In addition to what you feel led to pray for, please pray for patience and discernment for these congregations and their committees, and that God will lead them to a good and fruitful match.
Please pray for the congregations that are considering and/or embarking on the Church of the Brethren’s Vital Ministry Journey: Edgewood, Midland, Oakton, Union Bridge, and Westminster. (Other congregations that have been involved in Vital Ministry Journey: Easton, Glade Valley, Grossnickle, Hagerstown, Manassas, and Woodbridge.) In addition to how else you would pray, please pray that God will bless the investment of these congregations in the process with increased health, vitality, and growth.
Please pray for our district leadership team: Chris Stockslager (Chair), Gretchen Zience (Vice-Chair), Craig Gaunt, Teresa Albright, Everett Fisher, Luke Croushorn, Rolland Kiracofe, Harry Swope, Brenda Hall, Kaye Horr, Mike Kenney, Ray Donaldson, and Jessica Syms. Ex-officio members are Moderator Craig Stutzman, Moderator-Elect Glenn McCrickard, Senior Standing Committee representative Jim Benedict, Treasurer Barb Watt, Recorder Anna Poole, and myself. Please pray for our District Moderator Craig Stutzman, Moderator- Elect Glenn McCrickard, and the members of our District Conference Program and Arrangements Team as they plan for upcoming District Conference to be held this year in Manassas on October 10-11. Please pray for the wide and committed participation of all of our congregations in district conference, and that God will bless it to the strengthening of our congregations and ministries. Please pray for all of our District Ministry Teams and Task Teams. A team that I feel especially needs our prayers for new members and vision is our Outreach and Service Ministry Team.
Please pray for Jeff Carter, a native son of Mid-Atlantic District and former Pastor at Manassas, who will be installed as the tenth President of Bethany Theological Seminary on Saturday, March 29. Please pray for Jeff and his family as they continue to acclimate to Richmond, IN and whole new lives. Please pray for Jeff for the strengthening of all the gifts he has and needs to lead the seminary forward in preparing students for fruitful church leadership. Please pray for his wife Kim’s health and strength.
Please pray for me. I’m feeling the pressure of a lot of ongoing search processes, various congregational concerns and urgent problems that need thoughtful response and attention. And we’re working to be responsive with less support staff time and declining overall congregational financial support and appreciation for the value and importance of district ministry. There is also a tremendous amount of travel and late nights on the road. I need your prayers.
Maybe this Lent, beginning March 5, could be a season of committed prayer. Let’s see what God does with the seeds that are sown…
Thank you in advance for your prayers,
Gene Hagenberger, Mid-Atlantic District Executive Minister ()