Love Feast and Good Friday Services

Love Feast will be held this year at Oakton COB on Maundy Thursday, April 17th. Good Friday service, on April 18th, will again be at Oakton United Methodist Church beginning at noon and ending around 3:00p. The service is divided up into half hour segments each focusing on a different last word from the cross, as follows:

12:00 – 12:30 – “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing.” Luke 23:34a
12:30 – 1:00 -“Truly, I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise” Luke 23:43
1:00 — 1:30 – “Woman, here is your Son. Here is your mother.” John 19:26
1:30 – 2:00 -“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46
2:00 -2:30 -“I am thirsty” John 19:28 and “It is finished” John 19:30
2:30 – 3:00 – “Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit.” Luke 23:46
(Pastor Chris will preach the 2:30pm segment)

Easter Breakfast

Please join us on Sunday April 20th at 9:45 AM for a carry-in breakfast celebration of Easter. There will be no Sunday School classes. This is a pot-luck breakfast – please bring a dish to share.

Vacation Bible School is coming in August!


August 3rd will be the Kick-off Sunday for VBS this year. The week will consist of activities and fellowship for all which will culminate during Celebration Sunday on August 10th. So, mark your calendars for August 4th to 8th, from 9am-12:30pm and keep your eyes open for more information coming soon!


Do you like Birds?!

Birdwatcher Retreat at Shepherd’s Spring
May 2-4, 2014

The program will include:
• basic bird watching techniques
• learning about bird songs
• choosing a field guide
• migration information
• posters to take home
• good food and fellowship
• time to watch and listen to the birds in the area.
• ice cream stop of Nutters!

General Information
Retreat package includes:
• 2 nights lodging in cabins (some hotel style rooms available)
• 5 meals
• Visits to: C&O Canal Towpath, Antietam National Battlefield, and National Conservation Training Center

Chris Eberly, professional ornithologist and District Creation Stewardship Advocate, and Doug Ruby, Biology professor at University of Maryland will lead us in exploring the vast number of feathered friends passing through and living in the Shepherd’s Spring area. Join us!

Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry Center
PO Box 369
16869 Taylors Landing Road Sharpsburg, MD 21782
(301) 223-8193

You can also talk to Jerry Anne Kines for a brochure or more information.

It’s time – to Register for Summer Camp!

Register for summer camp at Shepherd’s Spring before May 1 to receive a $50 discount on your summer camp. Talk to Jerry Anne Kines, our camp ambassador, to get a brochure. Or, check for scheduling and online registration.

New campers should check out Big and Small Camp or Grand Camp. A two-day Family Camp is a great option this year, and precedes the Celebrate Summer Event on August 16. Down on the Farm and Around the World with Jesus offer some different experiences than the traditional camps.

Camp Scholarships are available through our congregation and the camps. Every camper from Oakton receives $25 toward their camp experience. Just get Jerry Anne or Pastor Chris to initial your registration form, or let us know if you register online so that we can convey your scholarship information. If you need more than $25, please let Pastor Chris or Jerry Anne know. We want to make sure all kids have the opportunity to go to camp.

In addition to Shepherd’s Spring, check out Camp Mardela, our district camp on the Eastern Shore.
Camp Mardela Summer Camp 2014
June 15th to 21st – Tweens Camp

June 22nd to 27th – Specialty Camps

June 22nd to 28th- Youth Camp

June 29th to July 1st – Mini Camp

July 6th to 12th – Teens Camp

July 13th to 17th – 3rd and 4th Grade Camp

July 18th to 19th – Me and You Camp

August 29th to 31st – Family Camp

RADA Knives For Sale

Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry Center is selling the durable RADA knives and peelers as a fundraiser for refinishing the hardwood floor in the dining room. Jerry Anne has them on hand. These amazingly inexpensive knives are under $5. If you don’t need any knives, you can just send a donation to Shepherd’s Spring or give it to Jerry Anne Kines.

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