SS Teacher Appreciation Breakfast – June 1st

Many thanks to our dedicated Sunday School teachers!

Brian Bachman
Harry Biddle
Chris Bowman
Sherry Bowman
Missy Burket
Colleen Eddy
John Eddy
Jan Fischer Bachman
Michelle Gill
Mark Phillips
Carolyn Strong
Pam Young-Schultz

“The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-13

Fundraising Opportunity

Our youth will be collecting used/undamaged shoes to send overseas to be resold by local vendors.  The youth have teamed up with the “Funds2orgs” group to make this happen.  Shoes are the first thing you need if you are going on a journey. Used shoes provide an amazing economic boost by creating enterprise opportunities in disadvantaged countries like Haiti and many parts of Africa. Instead of holding on to shoes you no longer wear or use, give them new life by repurposing them to change lives.  You will be recycling and helping our youth fund their July journey to the National Youth Conference in Colorado.  Over ten of our youth will be going to represent us. For additional information, please contact Jan Fischer Bachman.

Disaster Response Auction – May 3rd

As many as 100 deadly tornadoes have been reported from Nebraska to western Georgia since this past Sunday morning.  36 lives have been lost and the property damage remains to be calculated in a multi-day severe weather event that continues today.  Now more than ever, we are called to respond compassionately and generously.  One avenue to channel aid to those affected is through the Mid-Atlantic District Disaster Response Auction at the Carroll County Agricultural Center in Westminster, MD on May 3rd.  Breakfast begins at 7:00 a.m. and the auction begins at 9:00 a.m.  Attend the event in person or donate by designating “Tornado” in the memo line of your offering.  Doing so supports our collective disaster response and shows support for our district.

May Volunteer List

May 2014 Volunteers
Duty 5/4/2014 5/11/2014 5/18/2014 5/25/2014
Preacher: Chris Bowman Youth Sunday Chris Bowman Chris Bowman
Worship Leader: Mark Phillips Brian Bachman Ryan Richardson Shirley Roth
Children’s Story Cathy Carson Jan Burket John Eddy Chris Bowman
Acolyte: Evan Strong Cyrus Kianersi Joey Gonzalez Bobby Schultz
Greeters: Ferrari/Judd Zience/Roth Meadows/Wilkerson
Hymn Leader:
Shafer/Carson/Strong Shafer/MacKinnon Shafer/Carson/Wuhrman TBD/TBD
Counters: Biddle/Connolly Kozaks Levesques Bowman/Ferrari
Nursery: Landon Kines June Gonzales Kimberly Judd Scott Seidel
Nursery: Michael Biddle Sarah Beth Seidel Grace Bachman Casey Comer
Nursery: Grace Bachman Emma Bachman Cortland Comer Emma Bachman
Children’s Church
Michelle Gill Karen Richardson Karen Richardson Debbie Seidel
Children’s Church
Cyrus Kianersi Cortland Comer Michael Biddle Katelyn Judd
Sunday School Nursery: Jan Burket Jake Burket Kim Ferrari Jan Burket
Nursery Toy Cleaners: Seidel Family Seidel Family Seidel Family Seidel Family
Coffee Time Preparer(s): Joel & Sue Comer Carolyn Strong Harry Biddle Kay Lee
Sanctuary Partners – Harry Biddle & TBD

Recipe of the Month – Raspberry Almond Shortbread Thumbprints

This has become my favorite cookie. My eleven-year-old grandson, Wyatt, likes them so much, he asked for the recipe so he could make them at home. I like to prepare these cookies the day I want to serve them because after about a day, the red of the jam seeps into the white glaze. It doesn’t affect the taste, only the appearance.

Makes about 4 dozen cookies

2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, at room temperature
½ teaspoon almond extract
2 cups flour
1 cup raspberry jam, divided

1 cup powdered sugar
1 ½ teaspoons almond extract

*Preheat the oven to 350 degree. Grease 2 baking sheets with cooking spray or butter, or line with parchment paper, and set aside.

*To make the cookies, beat the sugar, butter, and almond extract until smooth and creamy. Gradually add the flour and beat until well blended.

*Shape the dough into 1-inch balls and place 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets.

*Make an indentation in the center of each cookie. The edges may crack slightly, but that’s okay. Fill each indentation with 1/4 teaspoon raspberry jam.

*Bake for 14-18 minutes, or until the edges are lightly browned.

*Remove from the oven and let stand for 1 minute before transferring to a cooling rack.

*To make the glaze, combine the sugar, almond extract, and 2 tablespoons warm water in a small bowl. Stir to combine. The glaze should be thin. Add an extra tablespoon of water if necessary. Spoon the glaze into a plastic bag. Cut off a bit of one corner and pipe the glaze over the cooled cookies. Let the glaze set before placing the cookies on a plate or in tins.

~Betty L. Breidenstine
Hummelstown, Pennsylvania

Join Us in May for these Themes!

5/4/14 God Ordained a Worm (Jonah 4; Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19)
Theme: Each of us has a calling from God
…. a calling to shelter others,
…. or to introduce change,
…or even to introduce things that may bother people
… but each is a call and all are of God… the key is to answer the God-call with the God-gift for the God-moment.

Mother’s Day
5/11/14 Youth Sunday

5/18/14 Being the Beloved (Luke 3:21-22; Matthew 12:9-18)
Theme: YOU and I are the beloved sons and daughters of God.
Lest we remain distracted by the claims of “we are what we do,” or “we are what we have” or “we are what other people say about us,” we need to return again and again to the Good News that you and I are the beloved sons and daughters of God.

5/25/14 Becoming the Beloved (Luke 24:13-35)
Theme: Recognizing how we can “realize” that we are beloved of God.
Bread: Jesus Took, Blessed, broke it, gave it.
These four words summarize Jesus’ life and these same words summarize our lives as the beloved. (We are taken (chosen), we are blessed, we are broken, we are given)
And when we live this way the world will recognize Jesus in us (it changes how others see us). And when we “realize” this about ourselves it changes how we see others.

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