Gretchen Zience
Delegate from Oakton Church of the Brethren
I have been attending our church for about 28 years and have gone to many Annual Conferences all over the United States. But this year was the first time I’ve had the privilege of being the delegate from our congregation. And I suppose as is true with any new job, there were pluses and minuses. As the delegate, of course, one needs to attend every business session—both morning and afternoon every day of conference. That interfered with my usual pastime of checking out restaurants, shopping, and taking a tour of the host city. But honestly, the pluses outweighed the minuses!
Conference is generally 3.5 days and the location rotates every year. The year my daughter was the delegate, for example, conference was in San Diego and I have to say that is a more exciting location than Columbus, OH! And next year it will be held in Tampa, FL. Regardless of location, though, conference was a wonderful experience for me this year in many ways.
A few years ago, the Program and Arrangements Committee decided to try using round tables of 8 to 10 delegates instead of stadium-style seating. That year and each year since, delegates have highly praised that arrangement and I agree with their assessment. You had a chance to get to know 7 other folks from all over our denomination. You had the opportunity to discuss with your table mates items of business, which expanded everyone’s perspective and invited congenial sharing of opinions and experiences. I gained 7 new friends at conference—which was definitely an unexpected gift—and certainly a plus. Each table had a facilitator, and I acted in this role at my table. Not a difficult job because no one person dominated the conversation and no one was argumentative. I imagine this table arrangement will be used at future conferences.
The bulletin insert this Sunday provides an excellent recap of the events and business at conference this year, so I won’t restate that information for you. I would like to share that annual conference truly has something of interest for everyone. Every day, there are special activities for children—all age groups. There are special breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, concerts, worship services, insight sessions (at least 59 insight sessions, but my count!), and then those business sessions. Business items this year were not especially controversial and included the following topics:
Revision to Ministerial Leadership Polity (unfinished business (UB)1)
Mission and Ministry Board Representation (UB5)
Ecumenism in the 21st Century (UB4)
Climate Change (UB3)
Congregational Ethics Revisions (UB2)
Revisions to the Special Response Process (new business (NB)3)
Resolution regarding EYN (NB4)
Church of the Brethren Inc. Bylaws (NB1)
Interpretation of Polity regarding Agency Financial Reports (NB5—deferred to 2015)
I will put the conference book, which has a detailed report of every business item, in the church library—please feel free to look it over if you’re interested in reading more about conference. In addition, we will have a conference wrap-up DVD that will have excerpts from concerts and worship services. Please talk to me if you have any questions—I’d be happy to discuss annual conference with you. I urge those of you who are able to consider attending conference next year in Tampa, FL—it’s a wonderful opportunity to find out what’s going on in our denomination and to meet people from the Church of the Brethren throughout the world. Thank you for letting me represent you this year at our church’s 228th recorded annual conference.
TODAY, Sunday, August 3 marks the new OCoB Children’s Offering program kick off. This year we will be focusing on Church World Service school kits. This weekend is the tax-free school shopping week and provides a great time for us to begin collecting kit items at a discount! Please join us in collecting for these kits! Here are the items you need for kids—
To assemble a School Kit you will need:
One pair of blunt metal scissors (rounded tip)
Three 70-count spiral notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose-leaf or filler paper)
One 30-centimeter ruler (12″)
One hand-held pencil sharpener
One large eraser
Six new pencils with erasers
One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
One 12″ x 14″ to 14″ x 17″ finished size cotton or lightweight canvas bag with cloth handles. (Please, no reusable shopping bags or backpacks.)
Donated items can be placed in the Narthex, or cash or checks for the offering project can be placed in the offering with CHILDREN’s OFFERING marked on them.
For more information visit the CWS website: or contact Debbie Seidel, or Karl or Bridgette Wilkerson.
Spend an evening sharing your stories and spirit with the newest BVSers, Unit #305. Bring a dish, a friend and your BVS memories to Washington City COB – located at 337 North Carolina Ave., SE, WDC – on Saturday, August 2nd at 6:00pm. For more information or questions, call 847-226-6567 or email .
Sunday, August 10 is our annual Vacation Bible School Celebration Lunch. Everyone in the congregation is encouraged to attend and greet the guest families who will join us for worship and lunch. Oakton families are also encouraged to prepare a little extra carry in food so that our guests don’t have to bring anything! The meal will take place immediately following worship. Questions? Contact Debbie Seidel (), Pat Reed, or the church office.
4 cups broccoli florets
1 cup shredded carrots
1 medium onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon cornstarch
¼ cup vegetable broth
3 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
1 (6-ounce) package trail mix (nuts, seeds, and raisins)
*Combine the broccoli, carrots, onion, garlic, and 2 tablespoons water in medium saucepan and cover. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium low and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the broccoli is crisp-tender.
*Combine the cornstarch, broth, and teriyaki sauce in a bowl. Stir until the cornstarch is dissolved and well mixed. Add to the vegetable mixture, cover, and continue to cook over medium heat until the broccoli is tender.
*When the broccoli is tender, transfer the vegetables to a serving bowl. Add the trail mix and lightly toss. Serve warm.