Held at Sam’s Creek Church of the Brethren, 2736 Marston Road, New Windsor, MD on November 1st 8am-2pm. There will be Christmas and Thanksgiving Crafts, Mini Chocolate Chip & Nut Sale, a Bake Table, Handcrafted Jewelry, 15 Minute Seated Massages (by donation), Gently Used Clothing & Household Items, Breakfast Sandwiches, Coffee, Sandwiches, Drinks, and Soups to Go. For more information, call 410-848-0687 or 410-635-2772 the day of the event.
A Church Bazaar will be held at the Arlington Church of the Brethren, 300 N. Montague St., Arlington, VA 22203 on Saturday, November 1 from 9-2:00. It will include homemade soups/chili and pies for lunch, along with homemade crafts, SERRV International Handcrafts, Heifer Int. Table, bake sale items and a large assortment of yard sale items. Contact Info: 703-524-4100; email:
We are looking to bring an interim pastor on board at some time in November. He/she will be staying in the parsonage, which is currently unfurnished. If you have furniture you are willing to donate to the parsonage for the temporary use of our prospective interim pastors, please contact Brian Bachman or Scott Seidel. After the interims complete their tenure, the furniture will either be returned to you, or donated, your preference.
The November CBM meeting includes election of church representatives/officials and approval of the coming year’s budget. A carry-in meal will also be part of the November CBM meeting. This meeting provides an important avenue to guide and to celebrate the ministries of the church. Members and friends are encouraged to attend!
Shepherd’s Spring is hosting a meal on Sunday, November 2nd from 4-6pm. Help bridge the gap between this year’s income and expenses – tickets are $15 – while enjoying a delicious dinner, guest pianists, silent auction and fellowship! Call 301-223-8193 for more information or to purchase tickets.
Are you or someone you know interested in seminary? Bethany’s Fall ENGAGE Visit Day is designed to explore the seminary experience by worshiping together, participating in class sessions, and meeting with staff, faculty, and current students. For additional information, and to register, visit www.bethanyseminary.edu/visit /engage or contact Tracy Primozich at or 765-983-1832.