by Office Manager | Aug 15, 2017 | Announcement Archive
OPJF meeting is planned for Wednesday, August 23, at 6:00 pm in the church fellowship hall. We’ll have a casual potluck dinner followed by a screening of “Another Way of Living: The Story of Reston, VA.” This award-winning film, produced by Rebekah Wingert-Jabi, details how, during a time of racial and cultural unrest, the founders of Reston created a truly diverse community. Please let us know if you’re bringing the kids – we will try to set up child care.
Our efforts are grounded in our conviction that peacemaking requires creating a more just society, and our commitment to build and leverage relational power to affect social change. Join us to discuss how we can be a witness to Christ’s love in the world through actions and advocacy. RSVP and find more on Facebook.
by Office Manager | Aug 15, 2017 | Announcement Archive

All are welcome to join us on Sunday, August 20th at 9:45 am (Sunday School time) for a re-cap of Annual Conference and a report on the business that was discussed.
by Office Manager | Aug 8, 2017 | Announcement Archive
Please join the Deacons for their annual Care Circle Luncheon immediately following service on Sunday, August 26th. The Deacons will be providing a great buffet of summer-foods. This is a great time to catch up with everyone the day before school starts (in Fairfax County) and summer ends. Everyone is invited to attend. See you there!
by Office Manager | Jul 18, 2017 | Announcement Archive
Oakton CoB’s 2017 Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School was so much fun! We completed a dynamic and meaningful program for our children with a celebration service on Sunday. Thank you to all the VBS families, volunteers, and those who donated time and effort to make this year’s VBS a success.
by Office Manager | Jul 18, 2017 | Announcement Archive, Fellowship
It was a joy to meet the members of the Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN) — the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria who were visiting the United States recently. The delegation included the President of EYN and the General Secretary. In addition to attending Song and Story Fest and Annual Conference, the group met with policy makers in Washington D. C. at an event organized by the Church of the Brethren Office of Public Witness, on the crisis of famine and violence in Nigeria. The event was intended to give policy makers and their staff background knowledge on local solutions, U.S. policy, and interfaith organizing happening in regards to Nigeria. On July 17th, the group met a few Oakton members for thoughtful conversation and then stayed the night at the parsonage. Thanks to Gretchen who was able to host a guest, as well. The next day, the group returned home to Nigeria. We pray for blessings on their continued ministry.