by Office Manager | Sep 26, 2017 | Announcement Archive
The junior high youth who attended the Mid-Atlantic District conference assembled about 70 disaster clean up buckets. The buckets will be used by the Church of the Brethren Disaster Ministries. If you wish to donate to the Disaster Ministries you can do so by clicking here. To learn more about the Disaster Ministries you can visit their home page here.
by Office Manager | Sep 19, 2017 | Announcement Archive

The 2016 District Conference Photo by: Ken Miller Rieman.
The 51st Annual Mid-Atlantic District Conference for the Church of the Brethren was held October 13-14 at the Frederick Church of the Brethren located in Frederick, Maryland. This year the moderator was our very own Brian Bachman. The conference opened on Friday night at 7:00pm and our former pastor, Kurt Borgmann, brought the message.
by Office Manager | Aug 31, 2017 | Announcement Archive

Mary, one of the CDS volunteers at work in Texas shelters, holds a baby at the Harland Clark “mega shelter.” Photo by Pat Krabacher
Our hearts go out to the people across the southern US and the Caribbean devastated by the recent hurricanes. Challenged by the Biblical mandate to “carry each other’s burdens,” the Church of the Brethren traditionally has been involved in the relief of suffering, whether caused by war, strife or natural disaster. That tradition continues as twelve volunteers from Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) have traveled to San Antonio to provide comfort to children and families affected by hurricane Harvey. Dozens more volunteers will follow as this will be the largest response in a decade for CDS. More on Brethren Disaster Ministries.
Donate here to fund relief efforts.
If you cannot donate, please pray! Pray for the thousands of people affected by Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Louisiana and Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria in Florida and the Caribbean. May God comfort those who mourn, those who are injured, and those who have lost their homes. Pray for strength and safety for all the workers and volunteers giving aid to others. Pray that giving may be generous, swift, and beneficial. Pray for wisdom in relief and recovery efforts.
by Office Manager | Aug 24, 2017 | Announcement Archive

Harrisburg First CoB Pastor, Belita Mitchell
Sunday Worship, September 24th
We were pleased to welcome Rev. Belita Mitchell to the Oakton CoB on Sunday, September 24th at 11:00 am worship service observing the International Day of Prayer for Peace.
Rev. Mitchell currently serves as Senior Pastor at the Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren in Harrisburg, PA. Following service, Pastor Mitchell will be presenting an additional program on the topic of Agape-Satyagraha work in the Harrisburg community.
by Office Manager | Aug 24, 2017 | Announcement Archive
Please join us following worship on September 9th to participate in our annual church picnic. It will take place on the field by the parsonage. Please bring a dish to share. It is also a good idea to bring lawn chairs or a blanket, bug spray, and any “yard games” you might enjoy. Drinks and paper products will be provided by fellowship.