by Office Manager | Jan 30, 2018 | Announcement Archive
The Transition Team is pleased to announce Randy Yoder will serve as Oakton COB’s interim pastor. Working part-time, Pastor Randy will begin on March 10, 2018 and will deliver the sermon on March 11, 2018. We look forward to welcoming Pastor Randy and Peg back to our church family, working together as we seek God’s path for us.
- Harry Biddle, Jan Burket, Leslie Connolly, and Kim Ferrari

by Office Manager | Jan 30, 2018 | Announcement Archive
Help support the youth attending National Youth Conference this summer! The spaghetti lunch will be on February 25th after worship. Food and desserts will be served. The lunch is complimentary with an optional donation for the youth.
by Office Manager | Jan 30, 2018 | Announcement Archive

The third annual Oakton Women’s Retreat will be held the weekend of
March 9 through 11 at
Shepherd’s Spring Retreat Center in Sharpsburg, MD. The theme of the retreat is “Reclaiming an Unnamed Woman in Scripture: Implications for Our Lives” and Rev. Kathie Kurtz will lead us.
The women in our church have a wonderful time of study, reflection, relaxation, and fellowship. We pray for the women attending this year’s retreat to have a similarly restful and renewing weekend.
Please contact Shirley Roth or Kim Ferrari for further information.
by Office Manager | Jan 30, 2018 | Announcement Archive

The silent auction is a fundraiser for the youth attending National Youth Conference. It will be immediately following worship. A complimentary lunch will be provided. Please contact Kay Lee with any donations of various items, services, foods, or baked items for the silent auction. More details to come.
by Office Manager | Jan 30, 2018 | Announcement Archive
Meet at the furniture warehouse around 8:45 a.m. At this time, things should be wrapping up with the furniture give-away that occurs from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. Then we jump in the CHO truck and make a loop that includes five or six houses that have been scheduled in advance. We are usually done by noon. If you want to come an hour earlier, you can help with the furniture give-away too. Although this is more than what is actually needed, I have always found it rewarding to meet the folks who are directly benefitting from our efforts.
In addition to the above, our fitness conscious senior youth will be saving money on gym memberships by participating in the Brethren Exercise Program (also known as the CHO Furniture Program) on third Sundays. Activities include organizing the furniture warehouse, unloading the CHO truck, picking up donations from donors, and delivering furniture to clients.
A map to the CHO Furniture warehouse can be found at