by Office Manager | Dec 31, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
If you are a full member of Oakton, the Nominating Committee prayerfully asks you to consider serving on the Board as Vice Chair for 2015. The position requires attendance at Board meeting the third Monday of each month, substituting for the Board Chair when he is unable to attend.
We would like to spare those who are serving on Search Committee from additional duties so that they can concentrate on that process. If you have any questions, please contact Jan Burket, Mark Phillips, or Jane Meadows as soon as possible. We will need to know before the Congregational Business Meeting of Jan. 25.
by Office Manager | Dec 31, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
Messenger renewals are due January 15, 2015. If you are a current subscriber and your membership is expiring in 2015, you have already received an email or phone call informing you of this. Renewal prices are $14.50 for 1 year; $27.00 for 2 years. Please place your check made out to Oakton Church of the Brethren (with Messenger of the memo line) in the white box in the Narthex labeled Messenger Subscriptions or give your check to Shirley Roth. First time subscribers can join for a bargain price of $7.25 per year. Please call Shirley at 240-461-2235 if you have any questions.
by Office Manager | Dec 31, 2014 | Newsletter Articles
All women are invited to begin 2015 by joining this monthly group that meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the church. The next meeting is January 14th 7:30 – 8:45 pm. Each month the leader introduces a theme or question and then participants have the opportunity to share personal stories or experiences as they choose. There is also opportunity to share prayer requests and to pray together. If you have questions or would like further information, please contact Shirley Roth or Gretchen Zience.
by Office Manager | Dec 26, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
MANY THANKS to our guest speakers, who did a great job of keeping the pulpit filled during the recent months! Jan Burket, Leslie Connolly, Angela Finet, Kip Kosek, Matt Landes, and Vern Wingert, and the Jr. High class under the direction of Jan and Brian Bachman.
by Office Manager | Dec 24, 2014 | 2014, Newsletter Articles
The Star of Bethlehem has a long history from the Birth of Christ. 3 Wise Men were led to Bethlehem
by the star. Mathew Chapter 2 says that they saw a Star in the East ,following it to Bethlehem. They found the Christ Child there, worshipped him and gave him gifts
My experience was a trip to Israel near Christmas 1996. My singing group sang in Manger Square with Church of the Nativity nearby. After singing perched on supports of a huge Christmas tree, I headed for the edge of the Square, then I looked up at the sky .There was one bright shinning object in the sky over Bethlehem Could that be the Star of Bethlehem? I was not sure. Anyway, that was a special time for me with much to see and explore in Israel on that trip.
Many carols have Stars in their words.
The Stars are brightly shining (night of Savior’s Birth)
OH Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on us
Jesus is now that Star divine
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
Silent stars go by
Dark streets shineth (stars are shining)
Away in a Manger
The Stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay
Silent Night
Wondrous Star, lend your light
-Submitted by Lincoln Cory