by Office Manager | Sep 19, 2016 | Announcement Archive
Join us Sunday, October 23rd at 4:00 pm for a FREE community concert featuring 7th Position.

7th Position is an ensemble composed of four trombonists plus a drummer with a mission of playing both original and a wide v
ariety of popular music with the noble sound that makes the trombone unique among instruments.
Al Burgstahler plays tenor trombone. He played in the Interlochen World Youth Symphony and was principal trombone with the University of Kansas Symphonic Orchestra. When living in Central California Al performed in regional ensembles including the Sierra Symphony, Big Band Express, and the Ken Robinson Dixieland band. He is currently lead trombone with the Tom Cunningham Orchestra. (more…)
by Office Manager | Aug 25, 2016 | Announcement Archive
This summer, August 1st to 5th, we were blessed with 38 children who attended God’s Big Backyard. We learned each day what it means to be in service to each other.
On Monday, we learned that Miriam SERVED her FAMILY by taking care of her brother Moses. She hid in the tall grass as she watched over him and spoke up at just the right time. A pot of grass reminded us of the secret hiding place where Miriam watched and waited. If you watch, I’m sure God will show you many, many opportunities to SERVE your FAMILY in love each day.
On Tuesday, we learned about four men who SERVED their FRIEND by taking him to Jesus to be healed. They went through a lot of trouble to get him there! A hammock reminded us of the man who couldn’t walk and how his friends carried him on a mat that was a lot like this hammock. Always remember that the best way to SERVE your FRIENDS is by bringing them to meet Jesus. (more…)
by Office Manager | Nov 11, 2015 | Newsletter Articles
Join us for the Christmas Festival on Sunday, December 6, 2015. From 5:00 until 5:30, there will be hot cider around a fire that will be sure to set the mood for the evening’s pageant. At 5:45 we will begin the program of music, scripture, and reflection on the birth of Jesus presented by our own Oakton children, brass quartet and talented musicians. The evening will conclude with our traditional Christmas meal in the Fellowship Hall. Gluten Free food will be available. Consider joining in this evening of preparation for the Christmas season and the love of Christ.
by Office Manager | Nov 11, 2015 | Newsletter Articles
Just in case you’ve forgotten, or maybe never knew, BNP is the acronym for Brethren Nutrition Program. This program of church outreach functions from the soup kitchen located in the Washington City Church of the Brethren.
On Saturday, October 17th, we had an afternoon of group cooking in the Oakton kitchen preparing food for BNP. In the church kitchen we cooked 7 kinds of soup, aproximately 40 gallons. We were much more efficient this year at the soup cooling process! “Practice produces efficiency”. We chopped around 45 pounds of vegetables, donated again by Garners Produce. The crew for the day included:
Cathy Carson
Nancy and Hanna Cline
Lincoln Cory
Lisa and Layne Freese
Mary Ellen Judd
Kay Lee
Celeste, Jean and Mark Phillips
John Shafer
Al Zebrowski
In the church kitchen we cooked 7 kinds of soup, aproximately 40 gallons. We were much more efficient this year at the soup cooling process! “Practice produces efficiency”. We chopped around 45 pounds of vegetables, donated again by Garners Produce.
This year’s All Church Cooking Day for BNP also included the cook at home component. People who cooked at home provided several more gallons of 3 different kinds of soup and a variety of baked goods. All items were picked up by BNP on Tues. 10/20 and they passed along their great appreciation for our work and contributions.
All in all, it was a great day! Fun and good conversation were all part of our cooking day. Carolyn and Annika, from BNP, send along their thanks and great appreciation for our hard work and contributions.
~Submitted by Cathy Carson
by Office Manager | Oct 30, 2015 | Newsletter Articles
November is Canned Meat month for our CHO donations! Please buy canned chicken, salmon, tuna, SPAM, Vienna sausages… when shopping with your parents this month and bring it in to the basket in the Narthex.