November 10, 2019

Expressing Christ’s Love in Deed

Passage: James 2:14-26
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The science of a pendulum is that when the pendulum swings too far from equilibrium the force of gravity will accelerate it back toward equilibrium but it often overshoots and winds up too far in the other direction. And so it swings back and forth hoping to find that happy medium where the force isn’t so strong. Likewise, when humanity tries to correct a problem they often overcorrect and the pendulum swings to far the other way. While James is correcting misinterpretations of Paul’s theology, Brethren also need to be warned about swinging too far into deeds without words… We would be better off if we understood words and deeds as two sides of the same Christian coin rather than opposing forces on a pendulum. Without both sides of the coin, we are at risk of hypocrisy and of misrepresenting Christ’s love.

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