You may have noticed a few Oakton folks with extra muscular scooping arms. Lou and Bev Levesque, and Davin, and Miller Kines helped me serve hundreds of ice cream cones at the Shepherd’s Spring’s Celebrate Summer Festival on August 16. We were assisted by some friendly folks from the Manassas Church of the Brethren.
The day also included wagon-ride tours of the camp and the Heifer Global Village, live entertainment, swimming, delicious food, and a closing worship service. I was even able to purchase a bag of camper-grown potatoes. Those in attendance not only included Brethren folk, but also local residents from the Hagerstown area and guests that wanted another chance to be at Shepherd’s Spring after attending a Global Village Event, Road Scholar Program, or retreat. The Levesques enjoyed seeing Shepherd’s Spring for the first time and Miller and Davin were happy to re-connect with their fun counselors from summer camp.
Ask me about Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministries Center anytime.
Jerry Anne Kines