Worship and Music Committee supports the Pastor in providing meaningful worship experiences for our congregation. As Chair, I would like to thank the other members– Cathy Carson, Lincoln Cory, and Mark Wilkerson—for their time and many contributions, as well as Pastor Chris for his leadership and direction. Director of Music, John Shafer, not only gives of his time and talents, but also mentors others in the expression of their talents.

We started the year with a “No Announcement” time, and moved into Lent with the Ash Wednesday theme of “Paying Attention to God in a Frantic World.” A highlight of fall was a series of sermons by Chris about rooms in the house. Themes for Advent were provided by the colorful bulletins, and were reflected in the worship table colors.

As always, we are so grateful to those who serve as Worship Leaders, Children’s Storytellers, Acolytes, Sanctuary Partners, musicians, guest speakers, and others who share their love of Christ through our work together. We would like to be more intentional about supporting our volunteers.

I look forward to working with the committee in 2014.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Burket


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