1/5 Sermon: Reflected Glory (Isaiah 60:1-6; Matthew 2:1-12) Epiphany
Theme: We “shine,” as followers of Jesus, in reflected light: Our goal is to help people see Him by reflecting (however imperfectly) the glory of his life and love.

1/12 “Unless a seed…” (Jn 12:20-30; 1 Cor. 2:1-12) Baby Dedication Sunday
Theme: Let’s get real: The church of old is gone. But the church of the future is just getting started.

1/19 “Foolishness and Power” (1 Cor. 1:4-18; Psalm 40:1-11) Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Theme: Divisions in Christianity are signs of failure rather than success when they rest their “faith” in something other than the cross of Christ.

1/26 “Leaving Church” (Mat. 4:12-23)
Theme: The call is to follow the Jesus-path in the Jesus-way toward the Jesus-Kingdom—the disciples had to leave something behind in order to follow their King to the new Kingdom.

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